about us

Statistical Decisions was formed in London in 1992. Its founding partners were the staff of Citibank's EMEA Group Credit Office.

The first office outside UK opened in Athens, Greece in 1996 and the followed offices in Singapore (1997) and Malaysia (2001).Since then Statistical Decisions has expanded rapidly and its client list includes many of the world's leading financial institutions.

Statistical Decisions has now offices in the UK & Greece. 

Statistical Decisions expertise is in providing Consultation and Decision Support Analytics to Financial Institutions who are seeking an efficient and effective approach to managing their Retail Portfolios and increasing their Profitability.

Statistical Decisions brings to the market an array of skills of the highest calibre combined with extensive practical experience.

Statistical Decisions services, covering every aspect of a Customer-Lender relationship, range from Credit Initiation and Marketing Response Models to Credit Risk Modelling and Debt Collection consultation.

Statistical Decisions has over 20 years of experience in developing and providing Analytics tools and Predictive models for Lenders around the world, with extensive presence in the Greek and Eastern Europe region.

Over the last 10 years, SD has performed more than:

  • 150 predictive modelling projects with main focus on Application and Behaviour Scores
  • 500 analytics studies

processed and analysed more than:

  • 1000 data structures
  • 20,000 gb of data

and worked with more than 50 different bank operating systems.



  nikolas karanasios
Malcolm Rhoades

Managing Director (UK & Greece)  

Nikolas Karanasios

Business Manager (Greece)



Statistical Decisions' analytics and consulting staff has a strong educational background with postgraduate degrees in fields of mathematics, statistics, operational research and decision sciences while our Senior Analysts have a minimum of 7 years expertise in their field.  

Training and self-improvement is part of Statistical Decisions business ethics.


We believe that analysis and data driven decisions can increase the efficiency of a society's allocation of resources, use of means of production and reach an overall improvement in decision mechanisms and process designs. When used wisely, they can be a determining factor in the advance of a society and its economy. 

We aim to carry this message and add our contribution to an improving world.